13th Symposium of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany
Girona, 16-22 May 2004
The IWGP, which meets every three years, is a long-established international forum for those of us who study macrofossil plant remains (including, but not in huge measure, charcoal) from archaeological sites. In practice this generally involves projects in Europe and the Near East, with some forays into more distant parts of the Old World, including —at this symposium— the Indian subcontinent and even Mongolia.
Publication of the Conference Proceedings:
Buxo, R., Jacomet, S., Bittmann, F. (2005): Interaction between Man and Plants. New Progress in Archaeobotanical Research. Proceedings of the 13th IWGP Symposium Girona, Spain, 2004. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14/4, pp. 235-577.
Web International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP)